Raw data in Tabular view

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/833dd4d9-78fd-4959-a224-5a32dba1bd60/18c59b64-afd2-49af-a5ec-67ac2c427bb9/icons8-linkedin-144.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/833dd4d9-78fd-4959-a224-5a32dba1bd60/18c59b64-afd2-49af-a5ec-67ac2c427bb9/icons8-linkedin-144.png" width="40px" /> Made by **Frankie S.**


Balance Sheet

Condensed Balance Sheet (tabular view)

**Cash and Cash Equivalents: $**14.64B (+24% Q/Q) ( -4% Y/Y)

q-Cash and Cash Equivaltens (1).png

**Total Current Assets: $**14.64B (+5% Q/Q) (+21% Y/Y)

Total Current Liabilities: $14.64B (-6% Q/Q) (+1% Y/Y)

q-current Assets and Liabilities.png

Total Assets: $14.64B (+2% Q/Q) (+25% Y/Y)

Total Liabilities: $14.64B (+4% Q/Q) (+19% Y/Y)

q-Total Assets and Total Liabilities.png

Statements of Operation

Statements of Operation (tabular view)

EPS and Effective Tax Rate % (tabular view)

Automotive Revenue: $19.88B (+14.4% Q/Q) (-6.5% Y/Y)

q-Revenue from Automotive only.png

Energy Generation & Storage Revenue: $3.01B (+84% Q/Q) (+100% Y/Y)

Services & Other Revenue: $2.61B (+14% Q/Q) (+21% Y/Y)

q-Revenue Not From Automotive.png

Total Revenue: $25.50B (+20% Q/Q) (+2% Y/Y)

Cost of Revenues: $20.92B (+19% Q/Q) (+3% Y/Y)

Profit Margin %: 17.95% (+60bps Q/Q) (-139bps Y/Y)

q-Total Revenue and Cost of Revenue (1).png

R&D Expense: $1.07B (-6.7% Q/Q) (+13.9% Y/Y)

q-R&D Expense.png

Total Operating Expense: $2.97B (+17.7% Q/Q) (+39.3% Y/Y)

q-Total Operating Expenses.png

Net Income: $1.48B (+30.9% Q/Q) (-45.3% Y/Y)

q-Net Income (Loss).png